Teach in the Dominican Republic

I am so excited to start blogging about my experience here in the Dominican Republic. I currently teach English at a small private school.  I found out about the school by going on DR1.com and learn4good.com.

On DR1.com look for the living tab and click on education. A list of private schools will come up.  On learn4good.com, go to the job section, put in the type of job you would like, then the country.  Both websites will give you a list of schools.  I have personally sent each school my cover letter and resume.  I went to each schools website and looked for the school headmaster, coordinator, principal or hr department (as they are called here).

Please keep in mind that you probably won't get a response until they actually need a teacher.  But feel free to maintain contact by checking in with them every few weeks or once a month.  In my experience, I was contacted between May/June to September.  So be patient👌 It is well worth the wait!

Please post any questions that you may have. I will gladly answer any of your concerns:)

Happy Blogging!


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