The American Cultural Salad Bowl
We are ? The beauty of the United States of America is in our salad 🥗! That is our 'Salad Bowl'. The U.S. comprises of many different cultures yet each culture maintains its own wonderful individuality. We have the Asian, Black, Latino, Native, and White communities; each making our country what it is today. I am ? When you think of yourself, how would you describe yourself? Which community do you belong to? Was your first thought, Black, Native, Asian or Latino? Or was it American? Here in the D.R. they would identify themselves first as Dominican then by 'racial group'. Yet in the United States we think of ourselves first by 'racial group' then by nationality. This idea of nationality first, 'race' second has affected me in two ways: 1. Friendships AND 2. My Children I am ? I have found that I connect best with people that are from the United States or have lived in the United States most of t...